WODDI Health Initiative

About WHI

The WODDI understand the gap in quality and equitable health care for women, including minority population subgroup, and that is why it is a vital part of her strategic planning to consciously improve the lives of women at risk in the immediate community. It recognizes the fact that, the health of women and girls determines the health and well-being of our modern world.

WODDI goal : To promote health, health care and well-being of women and girls throgh active participation, empowerment, adocacy and education for quality of life.
It is realization of this challenge posed by the lack of access to quality and equitable health care and proper nutrition for women and girls, especially mothers and children, in rural areas, the WHI is our arrowhead for our intervention on maternal and child health issues.

This program provides Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) training to communities, healthcare providers, deploys periodic nutritional, environmental and medical interventions, and also educates children to combat child-related diseases and facilitates frameworks for disease prevention in exposed areas.

Support Woddi Health Initiative

Your contribution can empower the health of people in the rural communities.